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Golden Gate University is a private, non-profit institution of higher learning located in San Francisco, California. It was founded in 1901 as the YMCA Evening College, and became Golden Gate University in 1972. buy fake degree, buy fake diploma, fake certificate. The university offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs in a variety of fields of study, including business, law, taxation, accounting, psychology, public administration, and information technology.

The university is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges Senior College and University Commission, and many of its programs are also accredited by professional organizations. How to buy fake USA degree? Can I order fake Golden Gate University diploma for a job online? Fake GGU certificate for sale, How to buy fake diploma? buy a GGU master of Science degree, buy a GGU bachelor degree. How to buy fake Carleton University diploma?

Golden Gate University is primarily a post-graduate institution focused on professional training in law and business, with its smaller undergraduate programs linked to its larger graduate and professional schools. Its six schools, with the year a university degree was first offered in the academic discipline, are:

School of Law (1901)
Edward S. Ageno School of Business (1908)
School of Accounting (1908)
Bruce F. Braden School of Taxation (1970)
School of Undergraduate Studies (2019)
GGU INSOFE Institute of Technology (2023)